Case Documentation Document a Consulting Case Please use the following form to document a consulting case. Fields marked with * are mandatory. Name of the consultant (your name)* Name of the client* Topics of the consulting session* Design of experiment/studyStatistical powerData preparationReliabilityMissing data(rm)ANOVA/MANOVANonparametric testsLinear regressionMultilevel modelsGeneralised linear modelStatistical classificationDimension reductionCFASEMTime seriesSurvival analysisDyadic dataMeta-analysisOther Other topics of the consulting session Date of the consulting session* (DD.MM.YYYY) Number of the consulting session (i.e., first, second, ...)* Time spent on preparation in minutes* Time spent on consulting in minutes* Additional information about the consulting sessions Resource 1 (< 10 mb) Resource 2 (< 10 mb) Resource 3 (< 10 mb) Please answer the following question?* 11minus4equals